Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Not Much to Report

There aren't really any new developments on the adoption front at the moment. I'm trying to get the last little bit of paperwork together that my SW wants so I can start the homestudy, then things will start moving again. I'm feeling fairly frustrated lately, since a few of the missing items are out of my control to an extent - I just keep praying for patience, and that I will be able to get my part done quickly. And of course praying that God will continue to provide (materially - ie financially) because I don't want the $$ end of things to be what winds up holding the process up when it comes to dossier - sending time. Oh well, I'll just keep walking in faith, trusting that any delays are what is needed so the Lil' Bit is ready when I am. I know God has a plan for both of us, and we will be a family in His time.

1 comment:

Lori Inman said...

Don't underestimate how much we like to read about even the little steps. Keep writing!