Thursday, March 27, 2008


It snowed. In MARCH. SNOW! Ok, so not much & it didn't stick, but still - Snow in March. Alright all you midwest people who read this - stop laughing. Keep in mind, I live in Seattle. We don't get snow in March in Seattle. Come to think of it, we don't get snow in JANUARY in Seattle that often. So yes, I'm being a bit ridiculous, but like I said - SNOW in MARCH in SEATTLE. I wish it had stuck...and that it had built up more...and that it would come back. It was sure pretty falling, while it lasted anyway. Ah well, that's Seattle weather for you!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dr. Visit - Part 2

I meant to blog about this earlier, but the weekend got crazy. I got the results back from my Dr. appointment & pincushion day. Turns out I'm actually very healthy. Probably more than I have any right to be, if I'm being honest here... In any event, I'm a little anemic & a bit vitamin D deficient, but other than that I'm totally healthy. Not bad for an overweight not-quite-quit-yet smoker, huh? Yeah, working up to the whole quitting the cigs, but it hasn't exactly been the right time yet. I will, though. My goal is to quit before LB comes home - don't wanna be the smoker mom (that's also when I want to lose the weight by - don't wanna be that mom, either). I want to be able to play with my baby at the park, go for walks, things like that - don't want to be too heavy or unable to breathe right so that I have to just watch from a bench. So yeah, except for the weight & the bad habit - I'm healthier than I expected. Especially since I haven't had a checkup in YEARS! Actually, when I got the letter from the Dr. I had to reread it several times - kept thinking they must have someone else's records! So, big happy moment here - another step officially down!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Dr. Visits

I absolutely LOATHE going to the doctor. I think that is probably why I haven't done it in years. Seriously, it has been a LOOONG time - I can't even remember when I last had a check-up. So anyway, I went & got a FULL physical so I can get the Dr's note signed off on for the adoption packet. I've never met this guy (yes, guy) before, and I had to have him all up in my business down there. And he told me to RELAX?? How on earth is that possible? Not likely, that's for sure. Anyway, so far so good though - looks like I'm a lot healthier than I probably should be, what with the fact that I need to lose a good 50 pounds or so. But, blood pressure is good, pulse & breathing etc. all check out. I'll know for sure when all the bloodwork from today (yup 4 vials - SO not cool) and the results of the other stuff (the reason I really couldn't relax well) all come back in. Oh - back to the bloodwork. Yes, 4 vials. I was NOT expecting quite that much. Did I mention that I am absoutely terrified of needles? I mean, sure I have 12 earrings and 2 tattoos. And sure I want to get more of both of those things. But that's DIFFERENT. This kind of needles (shots, blood draws, etc) terrify me. I hate 'em with a passion. Then the day got even better... they handed me a little plastic cup & pointed me to the restroom. Not good. I hate having to pee on command. Especially since I had to fast all morning for the bloodwork. It was not a pretty sight, but I finally managed to convince my bladder to cooperate. Oh well, I may have hated it all, but it's something else taken care of so I can get that homestudy going. And we all know what that means - it's one step closer to having Lil' Bit here, where he or she belongs. So for that, I'm glad. Yup - I'm actually thankful that I got this done (well, as thankful as I can be what with all the hating of physicals & needle-fear and everything!).

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Not Much to Report

There aren't really any new developments on the adoption front at the moment. I'm trying to get the last little bit of paperwork together that my SW wants so I can start the homestudy, then things will start moving again. I'm feeling fairly frustrated lately, since a few of the missing items are out of my control to an extent - I just keep praying for patience, and that I will be able to get my part done quickly. And of course praying that God will continue to provide (materially - ie financially) because I don't want the $$ end of things to be what winds up holding the process up when it comes to dossier - sending time. Oh well, I'll just keep walking in faith, trusting that any delays are what is needed so the Lil' Bit is ready when I am. I know God has a plan for both of us, and we will be a family in His time.