Friday, January 11, 2008

Impatient Much?

OK, I admit it. I'm not very good at waiting patiently. (Family, if you're reading this - STOP LAUGHING! Stop it. Right now - that's enough!). Anyway, as I'm wading through the piles of paperwork to send in for my homestudy, I got somewhat frustrated at the thought of the wait ahead of me. Fortunately, right about then I opened my mail & found the flyer for the international adoption training day coming up at Bethany. YAY - another step will be taken care of. Progress makes me VERY happy. That means I'm that much closer to bringing my baby home.


HollyMarie said...

I hate to even tell you that the dossier is even longer (more piles of paper) than the homestudy! BUT, you've got us on the forum to help you through! Yay for a training day to go to! Every little thing helps to make it seem so much more real! And it really will happen! :D

Beth said...

It is a different kind of waiting too. I think it prepares us though and gets us ready.